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Somatic Experiencing & Internal Family Systems Therapy

“Gavin is a gifted practitioner who holds the therapeutic space in a calm and supportive way.

As a result of our sessions I finally feel at home within myself and safe in my own body.

Through our work together, I realised I had abandoned my Self and was deeply missing my core essence. I'm coming back to myself, my life force has returned, and aspects of me continue to return in a magical way that is beyond the intellect. If you’re wondering whether this is for you, my answer would be a resounding ‘Yes!' Working with Gavin has been life-changing.”

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Many of us are aware that we are carrying the impact of stress, anxiety, depression, unresolved anger, and more in our bodies. A combination of the stress of dealing with daily life, coupled with the effects of unresolved traumatic events from our past, can leave us feeling overwhelmed or helpless at times.


I offer Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems, both of which bring a gentle, body-orientated approach, and are extremely effective methods of working with these symptom. In my sessions with clients, my intention is to support people in bringing more resource, clarity and general ease into their system to enable them to meet and release that which is stuck or unresolved within them.


Even after a few sessions, people can find they are more able to stay grounded through the challenges of daily life, and better able to cope during times of greater stress or crisis. They begin to develop a clearer sense of who they are and where their boundaries lie. This new-found resilience supports people in meeting situations that would once have pushed them into a state of anxiety, reactivity or overwhelm with greater calm and presence.

Woman doing yoga on a beach at sunset
Home: About

“I have come to the conclusion that human beings are born with an innate capacity to triumph over trauma. I believe...that the healing process can be a catalyst for profound awakening - a portal opening to genuine emotional and spiritual transformation."

- Peter Levine, author of Waking The Tiger 

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I offer short-term work - which can enable people to focus on a specific issue, or provide support during times of crisis and upheaval - as well as longer-term work, which can involve deeper transformation over many months or years.


I also offer a free initial consultation of approx. 45 mins


Sessions can be either face-to-face or online. In general, I work in-person at the Cheap St Practice in Frome on Wednesdays and Fridays, and online sessions are available Tuesdays and Thursdays. 


I charge on a sliding scale to allow for differing levels of income. Session fees range between

£60 - £90 per 1 hour session, depending what we agree together.


Somatic Experiencing & Internal Family Systems

Tel 07915397077

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